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 Updated: 5/14/2011
The Australian Apprenticeships Scheme is an opportunity for employees to gain a Nationally Accredited Qualification as part of their employment.  The WISE Academy delivers the customised training; Regional Group Training manages the process for the Employer and Trainees.

To discuss your training needs and the opportunity to utilise traineeships within your organisation including School-Based Apprenticeships, contact The WISE Academy on 02 6162 0919.
Employer Commitment and Benefit

Your Commitment is to employ a person either:
  • Part-Time: minimum 12 hours + 3 hours training @ traineeship wage (minimum)
  • Full-Time: minimum 33.5 hours + 3 hours training @ traineeship wage (minimum)

  • You as the host organisation can receive a Government incentive of a subsidy up to $4000 (Note: The RTO may invoice the employer for balance of the cost of training depending on the qualification to which your subsidy can be applied).

Who is Eligible?

  • Existing Staff - Been employed more than 3 months full time or 12 months part time/casual
  • New Staff - Been employed less than 3 months full time or 12 months part time/casual
  • Staff with no formal qualifications

All Australian Apprentices must enter a Training Contract with their employer to be classified as an Australian Apprentice. All Training Contracts are assessed for employer suitability and capacity. An employee can enter a Training Contract if they:
  • Are in paid work in the ACT;
  • Are at least 15 years old;
  • Are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, New Zealand passport holder resident for more than 6 months or a foreign national with a Trade Skills Training Visa (subclass 471);
  • Undertake a minimum of 15 hours combined work and training per week (minimum of 11 hours and maximum of 20 hours for a Australian School Based Apprentice); and
  • Undertake an approved Australian Apprenticeships qualification with an approved Registered Training Organisation.

Full or part UC funding is available for employees (depending on individual circumstances) who:
  • Are eligible for a Training Contract
  • Are not in an existing funded Training Contract
  • Are newly employed (less than 3 months
  • full-time or 12 months part-time equivalent) or are an existing employee undertaking a qualification where funding is provided for existing employees
  • Have not already completed, or are currently undertaking, another vocational qualification at the same or higher level
  • Are progressing to the next level qualification with the same employer within 12 months of completing their last Australian Apprenticeship qualification (varying amounts of funding apply depending on the AQF level progressing from).

How it works

A “National Training Contract" is entered into, and is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a Trainee.

The contract allows for the Trainee to undertake structured training provided by The WISE Academy that leads to a nationally recognised qualification, and specifies the rights and obligations of both parties.

The WISE Academy develops a Training Plan that outlines the skills and competencies that the Trainee should achieve during the nominal duration of the traineeship.

Training Programs includes competency / skills-based training, which is practical and immediately useful in the workplace, with assessments against defined industry standards.

For more information including how to find eligible trainees, contact The WISE Academy on 02 6162 0919 or

Costs to the Trainee and Host Organisation

It must be noted that traineeships are partially subsidised; traineeships and the funding by the Department of Education (ACT TATE or DEEWR) were never intended to cover all the costs towards delivering the qualification.   If your candidate is eligible for Commonwealth financial assistance (up to $4000), these monies can be allocated to the trainees training / education.  Additionally, as trainees can be under a traineeship award (approximately $15/hour), the hosting agency can not only save on employment costs but also be creating a benefit for your staff buy contributing to their professional development.

The WISE Academy tuition fees are more expensive than other training organisations in Canberra due to smaller class sizes and the tuition fees include all textbooks and resources (ranging between $100 - $900 per student per course).  

All trainees are required to pay $300 towards their traineeship per qualification (although the host organisation may decide to cover his/her costs).  The Gap Tuition must be paid by the host organisation.   The Gap Tuition costs will vary depending on the actual qualification.

Postal Address: PO Box 981, Belconnen ACT 2616. (Ph) +61 2 6162 0919 (Em) [ABN: 20124018944] [NTIS No. 88136]